Manila - map: List of streets

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Streets on the map of Manila

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1st, 1st St., 1st Street, 25th Street, 2nd, 2nd St., 2nd Street, 3rd, 3rd St., 3rd Street, 4th, 4th Street, 5th, 5th Street, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, A P Reyes Avenue (U-turn), A. Flores, A. Tolentino, Abeja, Abra, Adelina, Adonis, Adora, Agata, Agoncillo, Aguado, Aguilar, Aguirre, Alabastro, Aladin, Albuquerque, Alcantara, Algeciras, Alhambra, Alley, Alonzo, Altura, Alvarado, Anda, Anonas, Antipolo, Apacible, Aragon, Araneta Avenue, Ariaran, Arias, Arlegui, Arlegui Bridge, Arquiza Street, Arzobispo, Aurora Boulevard, Aviadores, Ayala Avenue, Bagong Buhay, Baler, Banahaw, Barbosa, Baron, Bataan, Beata, Belen, Benavidez, Benito, Biak na Bato, Bilbao, Bohol, Bonifacio Drive, Buenos Aires, Bulacan, Burgos, Burke Street, Bustos, Caballeros, Cabildo, Cagayan, Calabash Road, Calabash-A, Calabash-B, Calderon, Callejon, Callejon 10, Callejon 6, Callejon 7, Callejon 8, Calvary Hill, Carlos Palanca Sr, Carmen, Carola, Carriedo, Carvajal, Castañeda, Castillejos, Cecilia Muñoz-Palma, Central, Centro, Cervera, Claro M. Recto, Clavel, collectors road, Colmena, Comercio, Concordia, Condesa, Concha, Coral, Cordillera, Corregidor, Cortada, Cristobal, Crystal, Cuarteles, D. Romualdez Sr, Dagonoy, Dalisay, Dapo, Dasmariñas, De Dios, De los Reyes, Diamante, Don Chino Roces Avenue, Dona Maria, Doroteo Jose, Dos Castillas, Duhat, Dumas, Dupil, E. Mendiola, Earnshaw, Elcano, Elizondo, Eloisa, Escoda, España, Espelita, Evangelista, Extremadura, F. Atanacio, F. Manalo, F. Roxas, F. Torres, Fabie, Felina, Felipe II, Felix, Felix Huertas, Figueras, Figueroa, Firmeza, Flerida, Fleur de Liz, Florante, footbridge, Fortuna, Franco, Fraternal, G. del Pilar, Galicia, Gandara, Garcia, Garrido, Gen Antonio Luna, Gen. Antonio Luna, Gen. Luna, General Antonio Luna, General Miguel Malvar, Gomez, Gonzales, Gonzalo Puyat, Granate, Grey Street, Guadalcanal, Guam, Hawaii, Helios, Hernandez, Herradura, Hidalgo, Hinahon, Hipodromo, Hiwaga, Christobal, Chromium, Ibarra, Ilang-Ilang, Imperial, Imus, Industria, Iriga, Isabel, J Nepomuceno, J P Rizal, J. P. Rizal, Jade, Jesus, Jhocson, Jimenez, Jorge Bocobo, Jose Abad Santos, Jose Syquia, Juan Luna, Julio Nakpil, Kagitingan, Kakarong, Kalayaan, Kasama, Katigbak Parkway, Kawit, La Chambre, La Torre, Lagusnilad Tunnel, Lamayan, Lambingan Birdge, Lambingan Bridge, Lardizabal, Laura, Legarda, Legaspi, Leiva, Leo, Leon Guinto, Lerma, Ligaya, Liwayway, Looban, Lope de Vega, Loreto, Luzon, M Roxas, M. Arenas, M. Basibas, M.F. Jocson, Mabuhay, Macario Adriatico, MacArthur Bridge, Magallanes, Maganda, Magistrado Mapa, Magsaysay, Main, Makiling, Makisig, Malolos, Mangahan, Manrique, Marcelo H. del Pilar, Maria Luisa, Maria Payo, Maria Y. Orosa, Martes, Martinez St., Masangkay, Masbate, Mascardo, Masikap, Matimtiman, Mayhaligue, Mayon, Medel, Merced, Mercurio, Mindoro, Minerva, Mithi, Modesto, Mola, Montana, Moraga, Morga, Moriones, Mt Mayon, Muelle De la Industria, Muralla, N. Domingo, Nagtahan, Narciso, Narra, Negros, Nicanor Reyes, Nickel, Nieto, no name, Norma, Old Sta. Mesa, Ongpin, Opalo, Oriente, P. Campa, P. Casal, P. Domingo, P. Gomez, P. Guevarra, P. Noval, P. Paredes, Padre Burgos, Padre Faura, Padre Jacinto Zamora, Pag-asa, Paghahanapin, Pagkakaisa, Palacio, Palanza, Palawan, Paraiso, Pasig Line, Paz, Pedro Gil, Pedro Guevarra, Pedro Paterno, Penafrancia Extension, Perez, Piedad, Pilar Hidalgo Lim, Piling, Plaza Cervantes, Plaza Miranda, Plaza Sta. Cruz, Ponte, Postigo, Pres. Quirino Extension, Prudencio, Pureza, Quezon Boulevard, Quintin Paredes, Quintina, R. Papa, rada, Radial Road 10, Radium, Raja Matanda, Ramon Magsaysay, Raymundo, Real, Recoletos, Reina Regente, Remedios, Remigio, Renaissance, Revillin, Rivera, Riverside Drive, Rizal Avenue, Road, Road 1, Road 10, Road 2, Road 3, Road 4, Ronquillo, Rubi, Sabado, Sacramento, Salazar, Sales, Samar, Samat, Sampaguita, San Andres, San Anselmo, San Antonio, San Bartolome, San Carlos, San Cristobal, San Fabian, San Fernando, San Francisco, San Gabriel, San Jacinto, San Joaquin, San Jorge, San Jose, San Juan Bridge, San Manuel, San Marcelino, San Mariano, San Mateo, San Maximo, San Nicolas, San Pascual, San Pedro, San Rafael, San Remigio, San Vicente, Sandico, Sanchez, Sancho Panza, Santa Clara, Santa Lucia, Santa Monica, Santa Potenciana, Santa Teresita, Santo Cristo, Santo Tomas, Santos, Saturno, Sergio H. Loyola, Silencio, Singalong, Smith, Sobriedad, Solana, Soler, South Avenue, Sta. Clara, Sta. Elena, Sultana, Sulu, Sunrise, Suter, Sylvia, T. Alonzo, Taal, Tabora, Taft Avenue, Tagumpay, Taliba, Tamar, Tanque, Tedoro M. Kalaw Sr. Avenue, Tejeron, Tella, Teodoro M. Kalaw Sr. Avenue, Teresa, Tetuan, Tirona Benitez, Tomas Mapua, Tomas Pinpin, Topacio, Trabajo, Trinidad, Union, United Nations, United Nations Avenue, Urdaneta, V. Mapa, Valdez, Valencia, Valenzuela, Varona, Vergara, Victoria, Vigan, Villalobos, Villanueva, Villarica, Yague, Yuchengco, Yunque, Zabala, Zafiro, Zamora, Zapote, Zaragoza, Zobel, Zulueta

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